5 Common Places Mold Can Grow in a Home

Approximately 600,000 children, age five and below, die from indoor and outdoor air pollution-caused diseases. In developed countries, the numbers are significantly lower, but it remains a grave concern. Mold is a trigger of both allergic reactions and asthma attacks. If left alone, mold can grow into a severe problem for your house. Don’t forget to check these common places where mold can thrive in the home.

What Is Mold?

Before exploring where mold grows, it’s essential to understand that mold is the colloquial term given to a group of filamentous fungi that grow on food or wet substances. Most species in this group produce spores which are allergens.

The easiest ways to detect the presence of mold in your home is by a musty odor and black, green or grey patches. The black mold, which is a dark black, is the most toxic. Molds occur naturally outdoors as important recyclers, but become a menace when they get into a house. The following are common places where mold grow.

1. Bathroom

Your bathroom has all the right conditions for mold to survive and thrive. It has a warm and wet environment that attracts mold and is ideal for their reproduction and growth. If your bathroom lacks proper ventilation either from a fan or window, or both, then you have a higher chance of encountering mold problems. You can find mold growing on your bathroom tiles, but there are other inconspicuous places you need to check.

Your bathtubs and showers are mostly damp, making them a prime target. Also, the grime from soap scum and body oils act as a source of food for the mold. If you don’t correctly ventilate before and after you take a shower, mold spores will grow. Spores are microscopic, and you might easily miss them. However, you can check for mold in the tile grout, on your towels, shower curtain, shampoo bottles, and in and around the shower head and the faucet. The toilet and the sink are other common areas in your bathroom where mold can grow. If these areas are not frequently cleaned and dried, you can be sure of finding colonies growing.

Remember to inspect toothbrush holders, under the bathroom sink, inside the toilet’s basin and behind the toilet. Immediately handle cases of any water leaks from your bathroom floors or walls. Lastly, don’t forget to wash your bathroom rugs regularly. They harbor mold if left unclean and damp. Cleaning your bathroom area with bleach, vinegar or borax can help you get rid of mold.

2. Kitchen is Among the Places Mold Can Grow

Your kitchen can have leftovers, dirty dishes in the sink, wet surfaces, high humidity from using the cooker  and sometimes trash. All these create an excellent environment for mold. Proper ventilation is crucial because it helps decrease the humidity. Ensure you open your windows while cooking or while using running hot water from the taps. If you have a habit of piling dirty dishes for an extended period, then look out for mold. The leftover food on the bowls and plates combined with the dampness will accelerate the growth of colonies. Make sure you wash your dishes daily and remember to wipe them dry. If you store them while wet, you risk mold growing on them.

Also, make sure to check on and underneath your kitchen sink for mold. Inspect any leaks to prevent water damage. Don’t forget the refrigerator, microwave, pantry, stove, trash cans, kitchen windows and wooden cutting boards.

3. Garage, Basement and Attic

You spend less time in these rooms, yet they may harbor more mold due to poor ventilation. These areas are also dark, cold, and contain stored stuff.  It creates an excellent atmosphere for mold to grow. The problem with these rooms is that once mold begins to grow, you might realize it when it’s too late. Water damage can also cause severe mold problems in such areas.

Check your attic regularly because it can be a source of mold in your house. You can check for colonies near the furnace or water heater, around any ducts and vents, in your insulation, on the walls and the floor. Inspect your basement and garage for mold on or in areas like the floor, any ducts or vents, insulation, walls and wall cavities, ceiling, storage boxes, furniture, pipes and wooden building frames. You can inspect these rooms for any possible leaks. If you don’t check frequently, then start and ensure you maintain the routine. Immediately repair leaks and keep proper ventilation to reduce the humidity and clean the air.

4. Living Room

It is hard to miss mold growing in your living room floor, wall, or ceiling, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other areas in the living room that mold can grow. You can find house mold in spots such as behind the wallpaper, furniture, curtains, fireplace, chimney, indoor plants and under floor rugs and carpets. Always keep an eye open for anything that doesn’t look right.

5. Bedroom

If your bedroom has proper ventilation, then you may never find any mold. However, you can should check on your mattress because it retains the moisture from your sweat. You can get a mold-resistant mattress to prevent any growth. You can also inspect your bedroom windows and window sills. Don’t forget the walls, air conditioning and heating vents and under the floor rugs.

Prevention and Removal

Some mold produce toxins such as mycotoxins which are harmful to the body. You can prevent home mold growth by keeping things clean, dry and installing proper ventilation. If you find mold, you can try using cleaning agents such as bleach, vinegar, borax or ammonia to kill the colonies. In the event of water damage in your home, you can call professionals like the ones at Blackmon Mooring & BMS CAT to perform mold remediation.

Check regularly in the usual places mold can grow to ensure you’re safe from any toxin or allergens. Contact us today if you need our services or additional information on mold.


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