Fight the Fungi: A Complete Guide to Preventing Mold In Your Home

Even though mold is natural, it can cause several health problems and can cost anywhere from $500 to $6,000 to get rid of it. Mold is an expensive problem and it is tricky to remove.

In addition, getting rid of mold is only part of the solution. You need to ensure that it doesn’t come back. Check out this guide to preventing mold to keep your home and family safe.

Dry Everything That is Wet Immediately

Mold grows only where there’s moisture, so drying everything that is wet as soon as possible is the key.

Mold can grow in as little as two days in damp areas, so pick up damp towels, check your basement, look around pipes, and get your clothes out of the washer. When you leave clothes in the washer too long, that smell is mold.

Watch Your Indoor Humidity

You should keep the humidity level in your home around 30 to 60 percent according to the EPA. You can look for signs of high humidity in your home by checking for condensation on windows, walls, and pipes.

If you see condensation on any of these areas, dry them immediately and check for leaks. It is essential to identify the source of the moisture. Stop running a humidifier immediately. You may also want to invest in a dehumidifier for the opposite effect.

Improve Air Flow

Let the air flow freely through your home by moving furniture away from walls and keeping closets open. Be sure dark areas are well ventilated and receiving the proper flow of air to prevent mold from growing.

Fresh air moving throughout the home can prevent mold from growing. The air helps dry out any moisture.

Run Exhaust Fans

Be sure to run the exhaust fan during and after you shower. If you don’t get the moisture out of the air, you could deal with more than a foggy mirror.

Moisture moves to more areas than the mirror. It can get into about any crack or small area. You may not even know that these areas are wet, making it hard to keep them dry.

You know what comes in wet, damp areas. You got it – mold! So, be sure to just flip that switch after all showers and let it run to get that moisture out of there.

Check Roof Gutters

If your gutters are full, you could get a leak, creating dampness and mold.

Be sure you get your gutters inspected and cleaned on a regular basis. If you have any water stains after a rain, that may be a sign that you have a leak.

Clean and Disinfect Surfaces

Mold likes wet areas such as the sink. Floors can also get wet, so it’s important to keep them dry. Once you clean the floors, make sure they are dry.

You should clean and disinfect all surfaces in the bathroom and kitchen. After you clean your shower or bathtub, run the fan to help it dry. Make sure you use bleach or other products that kill mold when you clean these surfaces.

Improve Ventilation in Your Home

Simple things you do every day like showering or running the washer can cause mold. All appliances and vents should run outside and not to the attic. You should run your dehumidifiers and A/C units regularly in the summer months because humidity levels are already higher.

Check your attic regularly to see if you need to install any additional ventilation systems. Remember everything should flow outside your home. You can also run a fan, open a window, or turn on the A/C when you are doing activities that involve water such as cooking, cleaning, and showering.

Fix Any Pipe Drips Immediately

If your pipes are leaking, you should address them immediately. You may need to consider replacing leaky pipes, as new leaks may spring from the same pipe.

In addition, a pipe leaking in one spot may leak in another spot you can’t see. No matter how vigilant you are about cleaning – mold can potentially find these spots. This is why it’s important to fix leaky pipes as soon as possible.

Make Sure Water Runs Away from Foundation

Water should not flow toward your foundation, as this can cause a build up of moisture and may lead to serious problems like leaky basements.

Make sure all the areas around your home slope away from the foundation to prevent water from building up and seeping into your foundation.

Use Mold-Resistant Products

When you renovate or build a new home, look for mold-resistant products such as drywall and paints. You especially want to use these products in laundry rooms, basements, kitchens, and bathrooms.

Mold-resistant drywall is different than traditional drywall because it is paperless. Traditional drywall has a plaster core between paper, which is not water-resistant. Paint the foundation walls in your basement with the mold-resistant paint to help protect against mold.

Check Your House Plants

House plants help produce oxygen, but mold also likes them. The moist soil in the pots is an ideal spot for mold, which can then spread throughout your home if disturbed.

One tip to help you prevent mold growth in house plants is by adding some Taheebo tea to the plant water. The oil from this tree withstands fungi, even in the rain-forest, so it can hinder any mold growth in your indoor plants. Check your local, natural food stores to find this tea.

How to Prevent Mold? Inspect Your Home Regularly

Along with all the tips above, you need to check your house. You won’t know if you have a problem unless you look. Don’t ignore your basement and attic – no one likes a musty basement or hot attic, except mold.

Mold can grow and spread quickly, so the sooner you address the problem, the better. As you can see, mold likes moisture, so tackle any dampness.

Want More Information on Preventing Mold?

Mold can cause a lot of issues. Not only do you have to get rid of it, but you also have to keep it from reoccurring. Hiring a professional to help you identify the source of the problem, and perform remediation to help you remove mold is important.

Blackmon Mooring & BMS CAT are experts at removing mold in buildings and homes of all sizes. Contact us today to learn more about our mold remediation services.


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