Dedicating 2019 to Preparedness

Dedicating 2019 to Disaster Preparedness

As the New Year begins, there is no better time to sit down with your family to ensure that you are prepared in the event of an emergency. Start 2019 off the right way, with the peace of mind that you, and your family, are ready for any type of disaster.

Make a Plan

Know the escape routes from your own home and discuss them with your family. If you have young children, draw them a map and post it inside their bedroom. Developing an emergency plan for where your family should regroup, both inside your neighborhood and out, can help by quickly ensuring that everyone is safe and accounted for.

Protect Your Valuables Ahead of Time

Spend time scanning important documents and family photos to the cloud and store the original documents in a safe deposit box. Also, consider keeping an extra copy on a flash drive with family or friends.

Start (or maintain) a list of serial numbers for your most important possessions. There are many apps available that can help you do this. It is also a good idea to photograph the rooms in your house and the contents of your closets. Scan any receipts you have from your existing possessions and make a copy for any new items you purchase for your home.

Keep Your Insurance Policy up to Date

As your life changes, so should your insurance policy. Review your policy every year to ensure that you have adequate coverage. Even if you do not live in an area where you are required to buy flood insurance, many experts believe that every homeowner should consider getting coverage.

If you rent, make sure to purchase insurance – even if it is not required by your landlord. Be sure that the coverage for your possessions is sufficient. The important thing to remember is not to underestimate how much it would cost to replace your possessions.

Maintain Your Property to Prevent Disasters

Don’t neglect cleaning your gutters or checking your roof for wear and tear every year. Keep trees properly trimmed in case of high winds and severe storms. You don’t want an un-maintained tree on your property to fall, as it could damage your roof or nearby vehicles.

Keep pipes insulated that face external walls in cold weather. When temperatures fall below freezing, keep faucets dripping and cabinets open under your sinks. Know where to shut off your water or gas in the event of an emergency.

Have an Emergency Kit

Plan to have at least three day’s worth of supplies for every person in your family. This kit should at least include a gallon of water (per person/per day), batteries, a flashlight, non-perishable food, battery backups for your cell phone, a first aid kit and medications.

Disasters can strike anywhere, anytime. As experts in the disaster recovery industry, Blackmon Mooring & BMS CAT understand the importance of preparing your family and property before a catastrophic disaster or another type of event occurs. The key to a successful recovery is pre-planning.


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